Center 4 Growth

Depression Treatment

Do You Feel Like You’ve Lost Your Identity?

  • Have you been struggling with low energy levels for months or years?
  • Does completing simple, day-to-day tasks feel exhausting?
  • Do you worry that you’ve lost yourself?
  • Are you having trouble keeping up with your everyday responsibilities, and trying to juggle work, childcare, and other obligations? Is this driving you to burnout?
  • Are you having trouble keeping up with your everyday responsibilities, and trying to juggle work, childcare, and other obligations? Is this driving you to burnout?
  • Do you feel boxed in by your life and trapped by your circumstances?
You wish you could turn to someone for help, but you feel alone and isolated.

Depression Can Be Deeply Isolating

If you’ve been dealing with symptoms of depression, you might end up tossing and turning at night, with your negative thoughts keeping you awake. Or you may sleep for long hours during the day on the rare occasion that you have a break in your busy schedule. You might feel numb to the world, and even if you miss your old hobbies and pastimes, you may not have the motivation to pick them up again.

Behind the scenes, your relationships might be strained and falling apart. But in public, you still feel pressure to present a happy facade and pretend that you’re handling all of your responsibilities in stride.

You wish that you could feel like yourself again and find joy in your personal and professional roles.

With the help of a therapist, you can learn to meet your own needs while still fulfilling your responsibilities to others. Through therapy, you can find your way back to yourself.

Person sitting alone on a dock looking out at the ocean

Countless People Struggle With Depression

If you’re living with depression, you might feel like you’re alone in your troubles. Unfortunately, depression is actually quite common today. Some people struggle with clinical depression, which can be influenced by genetics and may have no clear cause. Others may become depressed for circumstantial reasons, like living or working in an abusive environment or stressful environment, coping with grief, or losing a job.

Why Is Depression So Common Today?

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of depression today. In our fast-paced society, balancing work, family life, friendships, and hobbies can be hard, and many people feel unfulfilled and exhausted.

Women are particularly susceptible to depression. In most cultures, they are still expected to be self-sacrificing caretakers. Yet today, they are simultaneously pressured to succeed professionally. Trying to deal with these competing demands can push women to the breaking point, and the idea that they should “have it all” can make them feel like they’re failing.

Furthermore, social media can make it seem like everybody else has it all together while you’re doing your best just to get through each day. When you’re viewing one highlight reel after another online, you may feel like there’s something wrong with you. Social media distorts our perceptions of reality, making people feel like they’re the only ones who can’t keep up.

It can be hard to shift your perspective and take steps toward healing on your own. 

In therapy, you can work with a compassionate counselor who will help you let go of unrealistic expectations and build systems that support your wellbeing.

Depression Treatment Can Help You Embrace Life Again

Depression Treatment Can Help You Embrace Life Again

Perhaps you’ve been dealing with symptoms of depression for months or even years, and you’re wondering if anyone can truly help you get out of this rut. But when you connect with a therapist whom you can trust, you’ll have a sounding board for your thoughts and feelings. You’ll be able to share things that you might not be ready to tell people in your life yet. The ability to express yourself freely in therapy can be liberating.

Questions about therapy or depression treatment? Send us a message!

What To Expect In Depression Therapy Sessions

At Center 4 Growth Psychotherapy, we provide a warm, inviting environment for our clients. During your first session, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss what symptoms you’re dealing with and when they began. You can also share your goals for therapy and explore what you hope to gain through treatment.

Rather than merely treating your symptoms, your therapist will help you identify the root cause of your depression. Together, you’ll examine your behavioral and thought patterns to identify habits that could be harming your wellbeing. You’ll also discuss your current support system, or lack thereof, and consider whether or not some of the people around you could be adding to your stress and troubles.

Dr Sunita Chamber, owner of Center 4 Growth Psychotherapy

Sunita Chamber, Psy.D.

Clinical Director & Founder

Center 4 Growth

Clinical Director & Founder

Center 4 Growth

Center 4 Growth

Treatment Approaches For
Depression Counseling

Treatment Approaches For Depression Counseling

We can integrate techniques from many different therapeutic approaches to custom build a treatment plan that meets your needs. Your therapist will carefully develop your unique treatment plan based on your symptoms, needs, and goals for therapy.

To explore the potential roots of your depression, your counselor may engage in psychodynamic therapies. With this approach, you’ll examine childhood traumas and ruptures that may have affected your sense of stability and safety. They can also emphasize systems therapies to dive deep into generational dynamics and social and cultural influences that may be influencing your depression.

In therapy, you’ll see how your behaviors affect your thoughts, which affect your feelings. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can all be powerful healing tools for people struggling with depression. You can make gradual behavioral changes to alleviate your symptoms and reshape your negative thought patterns.

Your counselor might also incorporate existential therapies into your sessions. This will allow you to determine what brings you meaning and so that you can structure your life around a fulfilling purpose.

Over time, you’ll learn how to set boundaries in your relationships and build stronger connections with people who truly appreciate you. You’ll also establish healthy patterns that support your physical and emotional wellbeing.

No matter how long you’ve been struggling with depression, there is always a path for change. Through therapy, you can build the life you truly want and find happiness again.

But You May Still Have Questions
About Depression Treatment…

Can working with a therapist really help me feel better?

If you’ve been living with depression for years, it might be difficult to imagine living any other way. It can be hard to believe that you’re capable of any productive change – but with support from a professionally trained and compassionate therapist, you will be amazed by how much progress you can make. Through ongoing, deliberate effort, you can make meaningful lifestyle changes, learn how to ask for help, and master the art of setting boundaries in your relationships.

Do I have to take medications to heal from depression?

While we recommend medication for some clients, others can make great strides through talk therapy alone. Some people benefit from a combination of therapy and medication, but ultimately, your therapist will make treatment recommendations based on your personal goals and the severity of your depression symptoms.

What if I don’t have the time or money for therapy?

Starting therapy can be a tough decision. You might feel some emotional ambivalence about whether it’s worth your time, or you might be struggling with financial hardships. However, therapy represents your choice to take action and create a life you desire and find the happiness you deserve. This requires investing in yourself in the present. In reality, you may not need to stay in therapy for very long – in fact, many of our clients see positive, long-lasting changes in their lives in as little as twelve weeks.

With Treatment, You Can Overcome Depression

You do not have to continue struggling on your own. If you’re ready to seek treatment for depression, we are here for you. Schedule a free consultation through our website today to learn more about our practice, or book your first session.

Center 4 Growth Psychotherapy

Send Us A Message!

If you have questions about therapy or would prefer for us to get in touch with you, send us a message! Someone from our team will reach out shortly.